My original characters

Here is where I introduced you characters I have created. My characters are inspired by songs, flowers, or any tv show that resonates with me. It is one of my favorite things to draw.

  • Charles

    My most well-developed original character.

    Charles is a warrior of the mushroom kingdom that resides in a temperate forest. Invisible to humans, they protect their people from the crystal giants that inhabit the caves.Crystal giants used to be peaceful and would carve caves but have been acting out and attacking the kingdom and the forest.

  • Thumb

    Thumb resides in the same forest as Charles, and is one of the unique citizens of the mushroom kingdom. A love for thrills and a hate for the slow life. Thumb is the life of the party. Thumb often tags along with Charles on cave escapees.

  • quartz and obsidian

    A polar opposite couple trope,where quartz the male is shy and reserved.His counterpart obsidia is an extroverted, aggressive chihuahua. A fun couple dynamic that makes everyday life comical.

  • Astra

    A mermaid that resides in space, Astra can control any form of planetarium object. An earth bender of extraterrestrial land.She is one of the many space mermaids that control the galaxy. She develops sympathy for a lonely astronaut.

  • Urchress (new character)

    A villain mermaid I created in the month of May 2023.

    A regular woman is swept away by the currents on a diving trip, her body is left on the reef. Urchins then fuse to her body.

    A storm broods and creates the right conditions for the fusion of human DNA with the urchins.

Charles the Agaric Mushroom


Quartz and Obdsidia



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